Sunday, August 18, 2013

1950's bascal aluminum cups

I recently found myself reminiscing about a certain jewel colored metal cup that I drank from growing up.  But the memory was foggy--who had them?  My mom or grandmother?  Where did they originally come from and who made them?

I shared with my boss and dear friend Nancy Morgan, the procurer of all things unique and beautiful, that if she ever ran across these cups in her travels please pick them up--and not soon after she did indeed find a set of 6 near perfect Bascal cups.

Now I needed to do the research.  It turns out that the cups were made in Italy by 2 main companies, Bascal and Sunburst. The aluminum was anodized to keep the metal from oxidizing and to keep the jewel like colors from fading.  The cups were the plastic ware of the times--perfect for outdoor barbecues, picnics and camping.  The most amazing thing about the cups is the amount of cold that they produce.  Add a beverage and the metal creates instant condensation and a sublime icy drink.

Now, where did I remember them from?  Well my mother said they belonged to my grandmother and she kept them in the camper--and that statement brought the memory right back --I could then see them in that little upper cabinet over the tiny camper stove.  I remembered drinking the Hawaiian Punch.  I have read on the web that they came from the grocery store--a few articles say they may have contained cottage cheese.  Mom said they might have been available with Green Stamps--a popular shopping outlet at the time. So, still a little mystery there, but how wonderful to have the memory back and a set of beautiful cups as well.